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AmpliTest BVDV (Real Time PCR)

Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVD) Specific RNA Sequence Detection Kitusing the Real Time PCR technique.

The BVD virus is an RNA type virus of the Flaviviridae family. BVDV shows very high genetic variability - so far, several hundred different variants of this virus have been described. Based on RNA sequences, these variants were divided into three main genotypes (BVDV1, BVDV2 and the recently described BVDV3 genotype). BVD is a virus that infects ruminants and is found virtually everywhere in the world. In cattle, it causes a disease described asbovine viral diarrhea and mucosal disease (BVD/MD, Bovine Viral Diarrhea- Mucosal Disease). This disease is now considered the main cause of economic losses for cattle breeders. Infection with the BVD virus leads to a decrease in immunity conducive to the appearance of secondary infections. It can also lead to fertility disorders. It is estimated that the percentage of cows that have come into contact with  BVDV ranges from 60-90%, depending on the region of the world. The reservoir of the virus in nature are free-living ruminants, goats and pigs. 

The AmpliTest BVDV (Real Time PCR) kit is a one-step kit. This means that the reverse transcription reaction and the Real Time PCR reaction take place in one tube. As a result, the number of manipulations necessary to perform the analysis is reduced, which in turn reduces the risk of possible contamination. The AmpliTest BVDV (Real Time PCR) kit enables the detection of all three described BVD genotypes. The Real Time PCR reaction is a fourplex reaction. Three channels are designed to detect individual BVDV genotypes (FAM, Texas Red and Cy5 channels). The fourth channel (HEX) is used for internal control detection. The included controls in the form of RNA molecules obtained by in vitro synthesis enable the control of the correct course of both reverse transcription and Real Time PCR reactions.

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